Saturday, May 23, 2015

Selfies And Confidence

That's not a photo of me - but if I could jump that high....

Today I had an epiphany, and the epiphany is this: I haven't taken a good selfie in months. I realized this as I opened up Snapchat and regarded myself in the front facing camera. It wasn't a bad realization, just an observation: I haven't been taking many pictures of myself lately.

And, of course, with this came the idea that I NEED to start taking more selfies. I'm changing every day! Soon I will be an old woman! I'm in the prime of my selfie-taking life over here!

Since I'm a psychoanalyst at heart, I had to practice a little introspection. What was the root of all this? My answers:

1. I gained weight in college, as in a LOT. We're talking the Freshman Fifteen - dun dun dunnn. Yep, it claimed yet another victim and, hi hey hello, it's me. So. I've been not nearly as confident in my body lately, and thus haven't taken as many pictures of myself. The solution: I'm working on dropping my extra baggage. Stay tuned.

2. There's this whole mentality going around on the Internet that taking too many pictures of yourself is a BAD thing. Rationally, I'm like, just let people do whatever they want. No judgy! But at the same time, I'm self-conscious as fuck. I'm the kind of girl that never speaks up in class and tends to wear neutrals so as to blend in with the concrete walls and avoid attention. Again: I'm working on it.

To make a long story short, I'm kind of annoyed at myself for not being very confident recently. Why shouldn't I be taking all kinds of selfies?? I'M CUTE!! Anyway. Expect to see a selfie from me very soon.

See you soon!


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